2. A single light on the left side in the lower third is followed by several identical lights, slowly receding into the distance until one cannot tell if there is one light or many. Then between the first and second lights, a lone luminescent bulb stands in the distance as a beacon. Below the lights, horizontal rows of bricks lined with snow disappear to the from the left to the right of the picture. Little flurries of snow swipe marks against the lights welcoming glow.
3. The image as a whole involves several collections of lines that help move the viewers eye around the image. Several shapes are repeated throughout the piece as well. The lines at the front of the picture are strong, solid lines, while the ones at the back or more distorted as they should be. The dark color at the top of the picture really helps show the effect of night and create a definite contrast against the brightness of the lights. With the lights starting on the left side and then receding to a little of center helps draw the viewers eye through the whole composition.
4. The picture tells the viewer to follow...
5. Daumier's pictures tend to have the focal point either horizontal or vertical and then whichever the picture is he incorporates more of that direction with hints of the opposite... (if that makes any sense). My picture seems to have a more balanced mixture of horizontal and vertical lines.